Philippine Villas

Pila Historical Society Foundation Inc.


i “Villa.” Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo-Americana (EUIEA). (Bilbao: Espasa-Calpe, 1929). 68: 1273.

ii Sinupang Pambansa (The National Archives) (SP). Cedularios (1758-1829) & (1797-1808). passim

iii Fernando González-Doria. Diccionario Heráldico y Nobiliario de los Reinos de España. (Madrid: Bitacora, 1994) pp. 338 & 343; EUIEA. 68: 1280-82; Félix de Huerta, OFM. Estado Geográfico, Topográfico, Estadístico, Histórico-Religioso de la Santa y Apostólica Provincia de San Gregorio Magno de Filipinas. (Manila: Amigos del País, 1865). pp. 15-16. In the grand procession of the Franciscans (as described here) in honor of their martyrs in 1630 in the walled city, the delegates of La Villa de Pila were accorded the place of honor at the end of the solemn line just before the Venerable Orden Tercera.

iv SP. Cedularios. passim; EUIEA. 68: 1273.

v Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Phil. 1986 Catholic Directory of the Phil. (Manila: CBCP, 1986) pp. 150, 326, 336, 468 & 516,

vi Jaime F. Tiongson. “The Paracale Gold Route.” MS 2004. (Courtesy of the author); W. H. Scott. The Discovery of the Igorots. (QC: New Day, 1987) pp. 9-40.

vii Tiongson. “Paracale;” Simpson-Gómara. The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary. (Berkeley, 1965). p. 58 quoted in Scott. The Igorots. p. 9; Lorenzo Pérez, OFM. Origen de las Misiones Franciscanas en el Extremo Oriente. (Madrid : OFM, 1916). pp. 15-16 & 128-129.

viii Jaime C. de Veyra. “Primera Villa de Españoles.” En JC de Veyra y Mariano Ponce. Efemérides Filipinas. (Manila: IR Morales, 1914) pp. 1-3; Martin J. Noone, SSC. The Discovery & Conquest of the Phils. 1521-81. (Manila: Historical Conservation Society, 1986) pp. 404-05, 420 & 434. Noone consistently but erroneously translated Villa de Españoles as the “Spanish town ” (in quotations) of Cebú, Libón & Vigan.

ix The natives of “La Noble Villa de Pila,” for example, were not exempted from tributos, polos y servicios. Luciano PR Santiago. "When a Town Has to Move: How Pila (Laguna) Transferred to its Present Site (1794-1811)." Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society. (PQCS) 11 (1983): 93-106; “The Roots of Pila: A Secular & Spiritual History of the Town (900-Present).” PQCS. 25 (1997): 125-155. SP. Padrones de los Vecindarios de los Pueblos. Gremio de Naturales & Gremio de Mestizos (Varios pueblos). Passim. Eliodoro G. Robles. The Phils. in the 19th Century. (QC: Malaya, 1969) pp. 72, n.33 & 257, n. 2.

x “Tribunal de Mestizos.” Guía Oficial de las Islas Filipinas para el año de 1894. (Manila). pp. 736-37; E. Wickberg. “The Chinese Mestizo in Phil. History.” Journal of SE Asian History. 5 (March 1964): 62-100.

xi Scott. The Igorots. pp. 9-11.

xii Gaspar de San Agustín, OSA. Conquistas de las Islas Filipinas. Ed. M. Merino, OSA. (Madrid: CSIC, 1975) pp. 45-50, 177-179, 191-192 & 327-328; Noone. Discovery & Conquest. pp. 75, 322-25 & 404-05; de Veyra. “Primera Villa.” pp. 1-3.

xiii San Agustín. Conquistas. p. 398; Scott. The Igorots. p. 9;Noone. Discovery & Conquest. pp. 411-12 & 420; Félix de Huerta, OFM. Estado.

pp. 258-259.

xiv Damiana L. Eugenio. The Legends. Phil. Folk Literature. Vol. 3. (QC: UP office of Research Coordination, 1996) pp. 448-449.

xv San Agustín. Conquistas. pp. 401-403 & 462-3; Noone. Discovery & Conquest. pp. 417, 434 & 442; Emma Blair & James Robertson. The Phil. Islands 1493-1898. (Cleveland: Clark, 1903-09). 3: 73 & 276; 15: 51 & 34: 382.

xvi Scott. The Igorots. pp. 9-40; Luciano PR Santiago. “The Death of Bishop Juán de la Fuente Yépez: Binmaley, 1757.” Ilocos Review. 18 (1986): 128-133; LPRS. “Doctor Don Juán de la Fuente Yépez, 14th Bishop of Nueva Segovia (1753-57).” Journal of the Immaculate Conception School of Theology (Vigan City). 7 (2005): 116-130; Pablo Fernández. History of the Church in the Phil. (Manila: National Book Store, 1979) p. 32; Ricardo Magdaleno. “Audiencia de Manila.” Títulos de Indias. (Valladolid: Archivo General de Simancas, 1954). Catálogo XX. p. 421.

xvii Luciano PR Santiago. "The Filipino Doctors of Ecclesiastical Sciences in the 19th Century (1801-71)." PQCS. 13 (1985): 34-50.

xviii “Chronological List of the Governors of the Philippines 1565-1899.” BR. 17: 285-312; San Agustín. Conquistas. pp. 376 & 545.

xix Ibid.; Rex S. Salvilla. A History of West Visayas. (Iloilo City: WVHRFI, 1998) 1: 28, 37 & 57.

xx San Buenaventura, OFM, Pedro de Vocabulario de la Lengua Tagala (La Noble Villa de Pila: Impreso por Tomás Pinpin y Domingo Loag, 1613) pp. 482, 574, 686; San Antonio, OFM, Francisco de (Pila +1624). Vocabulario Tagalo. (QC: Pulong, ADMU, 2000) p. 208; Postma, Antoon. “The Laguna Copper-plate Inscription (LCI): A Valuable Document,” National Museum Papers 2 (1991):1-25; Rizal Province. A

Political History. (Pasig: Rizal Cultural Commn., 1967) pp. 4 & 324; Lee Vance. Tracing your Phil. Ancestors. (Provo, Utah: Stevenson, 1980) 2: 514-517.

xxi Tenazas, Rosa C.P. A Report on the Archeology of the Locsin-University of San Carlos Excavations in Pila, Laguna 1967-1968. (Manila, n.d.) pp. 16 & 20; Juán de Plasencia, OFM. "Customs of the Tagalogs: A Relation." (Nagcarlang, 1589) in BR. 7: 175.

xxii Huerta, OFM, Félix de. “Villa de Pila” in Estado Geográfico, Topográfico,Estadístico, Histórico-Religioso de la Santa y Apostólica Provincia de San GregorioMagno. (Manila: Amigos del País, 1865) p. 137; Scott. The Igorots. p. 9; BR. 5:89& 8:96-141.

xxiii San Buenaventura. Vocabulario; & San Antonio. Vocabulario.

xxiv Huerta. Estado p. 139; Gómez Platero, OFM, Eusebio. Catálogo Biográfico de los Religiosos Franciscanos de la Provincia de San GregorioMagno de Filipinas desde 1577. (Manila: Sto Tomás, 1880). passim; BR. 35:111, 289 & 317 & 37:162.

xxv Archives of the Shrine of San Antonio de Pila. Libros Canónicos de Bautismos (1729-88), Matrimonios (1752-1834) y Entierros (1755-1833) passim; Archives of the Rivera Family (Pila). “Manga Huling Habilin at Calooban” (1792, 1810, 1856, 1872, etc) Passim; SP. Erección de los Pueblos de la Provincia de la Laguna (1740-1846). legajo 48 (now tomos I y IV) passim.; LPR Santiago. "When a Town Has to Move;” “The Roots of Pila;” “Pila: The Noble Town.” Treasures of Pila. (Makati: Pila Historical Foundation & NCCA, 2003) pp. 16-20. It was in writing this series of articles on the history of Pila that this author became interested in the topic of villas.

xxvi Huerta. Estado Geográfico pp. 224-28; Gregorio Zaide. Catholicism in the Philippines. (Manila: UST, 1937) p. 74; Juán Álvarez Guerra. De Manila á Tayabas. (Manila: Miralles, 1878).

xxvii Lourdes Díaz-Trechuelo. Grabadores Filipinos del Siglo XVIII. (Sevilla: Esc. de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, 1962) p. 27, no. 52; Regalado T. José, Jr. Impreso (Makati: Fundación Santiago & Ayala Fdtn. 1993) pp. 94, no. 272 & 96, no. 279; Álvarez Guerra. De Manila.

xxviii Ibid; Manuel Buzeta y Felipe Bravo. Diccionario Geográfico, Estadístico, Histórico de las Islas Filipinas (Madrid: Peña, 1851) 2:448; Susi ng Tayabas. Alaala ’88. (Tayabas: Basilika Menor, 1989); J.G. Cayron & Grace Barretto. “A Preliminary Archaeological Survey in Tayabas, Quezón.” UP Archaeological Studies Program, 2003. MS (courtesy of the authors).

xxix Wenceslao Retana. Índice de Personas Nobles y Otras de Calidad que han estado en Filipinas desde 1521 hasta 1898. (Madrid: Suárez, 1921) p. 23.

xxx Robby Tantingco. “Bakulud/Bacolor. Jewel in the Crown.” Singsing. 2:2 (2003): 6-7 & 30.

xxxi Ibid.; Pedro Galende, OSA. Angels in Stone. (Manila: Formoso, 1987) p. 186; Lino Dizon. “Bacolor as the center of Phil. History 1762-64.” Singsing. 2:2 (2003): 27; San Agustín. Conquistas. pp. 490 & 626; Mariano Henson. The Province of Pampanga. (MS, 1955). p. 82.

xxxii Conrad Myrick. “Some aspects of the British Occupation of Manila.” In Gerald H. Anderson, ed. Studies in Phil. Church History. (Ithaca & London: Cornell, 1969) pp. 113-130; “Anda and the British Invasion.” BR 49: 132-37 & 148-49; Dizon. “Bacolor.” pp. 8 & 27-28.

xxxiii Ricardo Magdaleno. Títulos de Indias. (Valladolid: Archivo General de Simancas, 1954). Catálogo XX. Audiencia de Manila. p. 409 (184-154 & 184-155); Galende. Angels p. 185; Tantingco. “Bakulud/ Bacolor.” pp. 6-7. As the capital of Pampanga, Bacolor was officially replaced by San Fernando, originally a part of old Bacolor, in 1881 but this was not carried out.

xxxiv Galende. Angels pp. 92-93.

xxxv Ibid. p. 94; Pablo Fernández, OP. History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898). (Manila: National Book Store, 1978) p. 225; Manuel Sastrón. Batangas y su Provincia (Malabong: Asilo de Huérfanos, 1895) p. 162; Práxedes Villa. “Kapé: How Batangas Coffee Made a Mark in the World Market.” Batangas. Forged in Fire. (Makati: Ayala Fdtn., 2002). p.140; Gaceta de Manila. 21 Dic. de 1887. p. 805.

xxxvi The National Library. Gallery of Art and History. Catalog of Paintings, Sculptures and Historical Objects. (Manila: Bureau of Printing, 1938) pp. 35-36; Sastrón. Batangas pp. 162-63; Práxedes Villa. “Kapé” p. 142.

xxxvii Diocese of Lipá. 50 Years 1910-1960. (Lipá: Diocese, 1960). n.p.

xxxviii Fernández. History of the Church p. 269; “Maikling Kasaysayan ng Bayan ng Sta. Rosa at Biñán.” Outstanding Lagunense Makiling Awards. (Sta. Cruz, Laguna: Cáritas, 1979) pp. 93 & 97; Nicholas P. Cushner. Landed Estates in the Colonial Philippines. (New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Southeast Asia Studies, 1976) pp. 58-59 & 67-70.

xxxix Gil G. Gotiangco, Jr. Laguna 1571-1902. The Making of a Revolutionary Milieu. QC: UP MA thesis, MSS 1980) pp 117-120; Teodoro M. Kalaw. Ang Himagsikang Pilipino. trans. V. Almario. (Manila: NHI, 1989) pp. 197-201.

xl Sinupang Pambansa. “Año de 1898. Expediente sobre que se conceda a los pueblos de Biñang y Sta. Rosa (Laguna) el título de Villa con los dictados de “Siempre fiel y leal.” Erección de Pueblos – Laguna. 1815-98. vol. 2, folios 410-439v; Kalaw. Himagsikan. p. 199.